
Saturday, January 18, 2014

And I finally get around to posting Part 5 of Journeying in the Light...

This chapter has been sitting for a while, as I wasn't quite happy with it.  After tweaking it a bit, I've decided to post it, even though I know it's far from perfect.  I hope it will be a blessing, and bring glory to God!
Here is the link:  Chapter V

And for back reference:
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV


  1. Honey, it was so good that I stayed up til after midnight reading it! To God be the glory!
    -- Mama

  2. Ohhh...Alayna! This story exceeds excellent! I'm blessed by everything about it. To God be the glory for the ability He HAS given you...may He continue to give you the words, pouring His blessing on this endeavour!

    And instead of leaving comments on each post...I find it sufficient to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed all of them. You've surprised me with all your posting of late! =)

    Love to you...
