After supper tonight, I went outside to do the last few chores. LilyAnn and Emaline tagged along, wanting to check on some new goats we bought today. When we got to the barn though, I was immediately distracted from the goats as I noticed that Fannie was lying down on the other side, looking at me around the corner. "That's funny", I thought. "She always stands up when I come out. Maybe I'd better check on her."
Well, when I came around the corner, look what I found!
A beautiful little dun filly!
Trying to get up.
Those little legs are wobbly at first!
Nothing like early training.
Time for her first meal.
I am very thankful to report that mama and baby are doing well. The filly is strong, eating, and already trying to follow me around.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Nice post!