
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


     I know this post is a bit late, but better late than never.

     As R. M. Ballantyne says, "life is checkered".  This past year has been filled with blessings, surprises, sorrows, joys, disappointments, dreams, and plans.  There have been some big changes too.  I'll just briefly cover a few of the things that have happened, or are soon to happen.

We are moving!

From here:

Where a bumpy dirt road leads home...

The place where magnificent oaks grow beside ferneries...

Where I can watch the sun rise on the lake...

Where the work of several years is bestowed...

Where orange groves surround us with blossoms in the spring, and fruit in the winter...

Where the road continues down to the lake...

And our plants and improvements are...


To here:

Where smoke and trash need to be cleaned away...

Where there is no sunrise on the lake...

Where we will start all over again...

But the saying is that "home is where the heart is" and it's true.  Our hearts have been drawn to the Williston area for two reasons:
1)  Our church is there.  We believe that the Lord has led us to this church, and it is where we should be.
2)  We would cut the distance between us and our grandparents in half, and be able to see them multiple times each month, instead of multiple times each year.
Hopefully we will still come over towards the east coast sometimes, but almost 90 miles is quite a distance, and so we probably won't be coming over very often.  Our friends here will still continue to be very dear to us though, and if you are ever passing near Bronson or Williston, we would love to see you!

And now for announcement number 2:

Yes, that's right- number 11 is on the way, due in May!  We are very excited!

And then of course, we've been working on improving the farm, and selling animals has been teaching me how to deal with people in business situations.  It has especially helped me improve my phone skills, or rather taught me some.  (I used to be terrible on the phone, particularly with making calls- I'm a little better now.)

As for school...  A couple of the younger ones learned how to read, and a couple of those who knew how started discovering that it was actually fun.  Of course, most of us knew that long ago, but they weren't convinced.  :)  Evan is moving forward on graduating, and I'm doing more writing, both on my other blog and privately.

The Lord has been so good to us this year- providing for many of our needs, forming and strengthening friendships, and showing us ways to bless people.  He has also protected us spiritually and physically (and with 10 children running, jumping, climbing, working, playing, wrestling (for the boys) and otherwise employing themselves inside and outside, that's a lot of physical protection!)  He has guided us through our little trials, and strengthened us by them.  We are so grateful to Him for His loving care throughout the past year, and are looking forward to what the coming one holds !


  1. Loved this sweet post...every bit of it. And I don't declare it outdated in the least! =) Though I know what's going on with y'all, it's still wonderful to read this review, and recall God's faithfulness! Yes, it's so fun when the little ones figure out reading is enjoyable, and even more exciting to be almost "officially" finished...just three more months! =) Praying this year is the best one yet for all of you!
    Love and Blessings,

  2. Alayna ~

    What a blessing it will be to be closer to church and your grandparents! Although, much labor was done at your current home, your new home looks to have a ton of potential for growing and flourishing there, too. Think of it as a new chapter in your lives, with new opportunities, new testimonies of His faithfulness and new blessings {like #11!}. I pray the Lord will multiply His provisions {which He seems to have already done with this new home} and increase your families creativity, ingenuity {to create your new homestead}, and resourcefulness in this new setting. Give your mother my love and let her know that I will be praying for her as she brings forth another babe. We will miss seeing you, but maybe He will provide opportunities for meeting again at annual events around town.

    Blessings ~

    Mrs. Smith

    1. Thank you Mrs. Smith! You are certainly right about the potential for expansion and improvement in our new home. We are really quite happy with it, especially now that we can see it coming together a bit (the ones working on it are nearly done with the painting).
      Thank you again for your sweet and encouraging comment!

  3. New seasons of life... leaving old ones behind {and praising the Lord for them!} and embracing new journeys... the tasks of filling up a new home with everything you hold dear, making that new spot just as special. {Home is indeed where the heart is... ;) } A new blessing added to your family... so excited for ya'll! We'll be keeping your sweet mother in our prayers. ♥ Learning new skills and having new experiences {it's good to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't enjoy phone calls! hehe} These are all new steps that the Lord is using in your life to draw you to Him...
    Continue shinning for Him, as you already shine His love in my life!

