Well, I've done it again- let the months slip by without posting on here a single time. We've been really busy (as usual:). Most of the time has been delightful, and happy, but as Ballantyne says "life is chequered", and there has been sadness too.
For now though, here's some photos and a quick look at how we Feldmans have spent Thanksgiving.
My cousin was getting married Thanksgiving weekend in Ft. Walton Beach, so we traveled up there for the wedding. On the way we stopped at my grandmother's house for a day or two, for Thanksgiving.
Poor Winnie never struggled- she was convinced that she was dead the whole way to the farm. |
How many girls does it take to lift an 80lb. sheep into the van? (Savana had to help too!) |
Before we left we took my goat Mabel to the farm she came from, so that she could be milked while we were gone, and also hopefully get bred. At the same time, we dropped off my sheep Winnie to get bred as well. It was hard figuring out transportation though, as we don't have a trailer or hitch on our van. We ended up just hog-tying Winnie, and I sat in the back seat and held Mabel's collar.
Russell enjoyed feeding Justice his apple. He was so cute- opening his mouth at the same time J. did. I think Justice ate more or his apple than Russell! |
All the tasty food! |
The dessert table. |
Some of Mamaw's decorations. (I think Savana took this photo- but I'm not sure.) |
In Ft. W. Beach we stayed in a condo on the ocean, just a few rooms down from my other grandparents (who kindly rented the condo for us), Aunt Diana and Uncle Gary, and cousins Hannah and Clara (Clara's brother was the one getting married). This was a treat as they all live in KY and we don't get to see them very often. My great Aunt Linda and Uncle Butch were also just a door or two down.
We all enjoyed the beach, especially as there were very few people on it.
A beautiful sunrise on the beach. |
Emailine and Russell loved playing in the sand. |
I love this picture of LilyAnn! You can see both her shadow and her reflection on the sand and water. |
Lily Ann walking down the beach. |
We traveled back on Sunday. We had originally intended to visit Mt. Zion Bible Church in Pensecola, but by the time we left the condo it would have been too late to get there in time for the service. So instead we just headed home.
We were blessed to be enabled to take that trip, and visit with our relatives from KY. I will try to post later about the other events around here during the last few months.